As a Kinesiology major, one could say Xanthony Chisley Jr. is on the move. So it’s no surprise that when presented with the opportunity to join a study abroad program—thanks to his connection with The Hidden Genius Project—he jumped at the chance to travel to New York, London, Dubai, Italy, and China. Currently enrolled at Laney College, Xanthony is making moves to become an Athletic Trainer, with Computer Science on the side. Keep reading to learn more about Xanthony, Hidden Genius Alum, Cohort OAK9 Gold.

How have you been?

In life, I have been okay. I simply can’t complain since all things have been going well for me for the most part, when coming to friends, family, and extracurricular activities. My family has been great. They have helped me through many things such as work, or even school. I couldn’t have done many of the things I’m doing today with them. For school, I just started my freshman year in college. I’m learning that in college, I have a lot more freedom. Professors mainly care that you get your work done, and it’s up to me to make the right decisions to succeed. Lastly, work has been going well for the most part, I believe I have grown in knowledge and in work ethic.


How did you first learn about The Hidden Genius Project?

I learned about The Hidden Genius Project through my mom when she first introduced the program to me. We saw people with a setup outside my after-school program. That’s where I was first introduced to The Hidden Genius Project and the rest was history. I got into the program and enjoyed every moment of it and now I am currently working with them as a Youth Educator (YE).


What was your experience in the program like?

During the program, I was able to focus on Game Development. I really enjoyed creating games, from designing characters and creating storylines to learning game mechanics. It was fun and rewarding to master the game development platforms Unity and Unreal Engine. The collaborative environment made the learning even more exciting. In addition to learning how to create games, I also got to attend industry expert workshops, where I learned valuable insights from game developers. While it was tough designing and coding intricate features, I learned the value of time management and how I can balance projects with other responsibilities with careful planning.

Growing up, I always wanted to be a gamer, and I was always interested in game development. In programming, I was able to make that a reality. Now that I’m older, I’m still interested in the game development industry, but I’m more interested in Project Management rather than developing the games directly.


Describe the app you designed during your time in the Immersion Program.

The game I made with Unity was a rolling ball simulator where you had to avoid other projectiles coming to you. It was challenging at first to make since this was the first time I created my own game, and I knew I had a lot to learn. But over time, developing the game became easier as I learned more. In the end, it was rewarding to see it all come together, and I finally realized that game development is achievable for me.


How is The Hidden Genius Project different from other mentorship or training experiences that you have been involved in?

The Hidden Genius Project is different from other mentorship programs because they not only give back to the community but also allow alumni the opportunity to come back and work with them. I have had the opportunity to work with them as a Youth Educator, and my favorite time is recruit season. During Interview Day, I enjoy speaking with new Geniuses and hearing about their passions and aspirations.


What specific skills learned in The Hidden Genius Project have been most beneficial for you?

I learned the basics of starting and running a business, including planning and managing finances. I now know how to develop and pitch business ideas, and foster innovation and leadership skills. This is something that I use in my day-to-day life as I started my own business after finishing the program. My business is called TBD, which mentors middle and high school Black men in marketing and business.

During Immersion Programming, I also improved my critical thinking skills. I learned how to analyze problems and find creative solutions. This has helped me make better decisions and improved my problem-solving abilities. Today, I use this skill in my job as an Assistant Athletic Trainer. When I’m taping up athletes, I sometimes have a lot of them coming to me at once. To make the process as quick as possible, I problem-solved and spread out the tape on a large table and organized the tape ahead of time, by athlete.


What was the most important thing you gained on a personal level (development, relationship, community, etc.) from participating in The Hidden Genius Project?

The most important thing I gained on a personal level from participating in The Hidden Genius Project was a strong sense of community and belonging. Through this program, I formed meaningful relationships with mentors and peers who share similar interests and goals, and I’ve been able to gain a deeper understanding of technology. This supportive network not only boosted my confidence but also inspired me to pursue my ambitions.

I wouldn’t be where I am today where I’ve gone on so many trips with Where There Be Dragons, a free study abroad program. Because The Hidden Genius Project connected me with this opportunity, I have gone to New York, London, Dubai, Italy, and China. I wouldn’t have met the people I have or done the things I did without The Hidden Genius Project.


In what ways have you remained involved with The Hidden Genius Project since completing the 15-month Intensive Immersion program?

Since completing the 15-month Intensive Immersion program, I have remained actively involved with The Hidden Genius Project in several ways. I have been a Youth Educator for 3 years, and I’ve been able to mentor the incoming and outgoing Geniuses in Oakland and Richmond. I have also been able to give them advice based on my experiences.

I regularly attend and sometimes help organize workshops and community events, contributing to the ongoing learning and networking opportunities within the program. I stay connected with the alumni network, participating in discussions, collaborations, and initiatives that aim to support each other’s personal and professional growth. Outside of direct work with The Hidden Genius Project, I share my story with other young people in order to encourage them to apply to the Immersion Program.


In what ways has the staff of The Hidden Genius Project stayed connected / continued to support you since graduating from the program?

The Hidden Genius Project has stayed connected and supported me after graduating from the program by keeping in contact with me and my family. I currently stay in touch with multiple people on the Oakland [and Central] staff, as they are helping me develop my own AI program. I also spoke with the college advisor, Andrew Pope, often about my future. It was because of our conversations that I decided to go to community college, where I currently am, and plan to transfer later. 


If you could talk to yourself just before you applied, what is one thing you would say?

If I could talk to my younger self before applying I would tell myself to take more risks and give things a first try. I would also tell him that it’s okay to make simple mistakes.


What words of encouragement do you have for future Geniuses?

Believe in your potential and embrace every opportunity to learn and grow. The journey may be challenging, but remember that every challenge is a chance to develop new skills and resilience.

Since 2012, nearly 11,400 students have revealed their genius through our Immersion, Catalyst, and Community Partner Programs, and so many more are waiting to shine.


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