Our Genius Founders have completed the Technology Phase in our Alumni Venture Seed Fund. This phase provided our young founders with the opportunity to learn how to pick their technology stack and source developers. In addition, our Geniuses were trained on how to monitor, report, and track bugs on technical projects.

Jahrai Haile, RICH4 Hidden Genius Alum
“The technology phase was instrumental in cultivating my business. I got the opportunity to network with some great individuals and get great insight into how I should build out my database.”

Imminent Victory, RICH1 Hidden Genius Alum
“I learned that you can outsource your code and just assign different task instead giving someone your full project. Additionally, I learned how to make an actionable spreadsheet that communicates clear actions the software developer needs in order to understand to build a product.”

Paris Irving, OAK3 Hidden Genius Alum
“My experience was very eye-opening. I am now able to create a more detailed mockup design for my business prototype to help flush out my ideal design more effectively.”

Elijah Hynson, OAK5 Hidden Genius Alum
“I was already familiar with the minimum viable product concept but I appreciated the video role exercise. As a game designer, it would be important to learn about video editing since trailers will need to be released to hype up my games and grab people’s attentions.”
Click HERE to learn more about our Hidden Genius Alumni and their business ventures.

Jayden Cummings
Alumni Venture Seed Fund Genius Founder

Arnold Lopez
The Hidden Genius Regional Manager of Alumni Engagement

Scott Hanselman
Microsoft Vice President of Developer Community

Eli Taylor
Founder of Taylor Made Traffic