When Michael Pierre (Los Angeles Cohort 2 Hidden Genius Alum) first heard about The Hidden Genius Project, he felt as if he wouldn’t fit in because of his shy nature. Once Michael joined our Intensive Immersion Program, everything changed as he found joy and comfort in being surrounded by a supportive brotherhood which helped him build up his confidence, become more outspoken, and grow as a leader. To this day, Michael still considers The Hidden Genius Project his second family. Now 18 years old, Michael is finishing up his freshman year at California State University, Dominguez Hills as a photography major while also empowering current Geniuses as a Youth Care Champion at our Los Angeles site.

How have you been? 

My family overall has been doing well. I currently work at The Hidden Genius Project as a Youth Care Champion, which I love, and it’s been great to work with everyone on the team. They are like my other family. Also, I’m really happy because my sister is pregnant which is exciting news for everyone in my family.

How did you first learn about The Hidden Genius Project?

I first found out about The Hidden Genius Project from my godmom. She told my mom everything they offer, and how they help young Black male youth gain leadership skills and college access support. When I first heard about the program, I was nervous because I knew they were going to push me out of my comfort zone. On the other hand, I also knew that they were going to help me figure out what my passions were related to tech, which is game design.

What was your experience in the program like? 

I truly felt welcomed being a part of the program as I learned so much about myself, our community, and the world. In the beginning, I was really shy and nervous about opening up myself to the other Geniuses. Over time, I learned how to come out of my shell by talking to them and learning about where they come from.

I also loved our leadership discussion about Nipsey Hussle, because I like learning about what celebrities do to give back to our Black community in Los Angeles. In general, I enjoyed learning about powerful Black leaders, both past and present, since in school we only learned about the history of white people. These conversations and experiences helped me realize that I can be a powerful leader too.

Being a part of The Hidden Genius Project, I felt my passion for entrepreneurship and technology grow. Growing up, my interest in technology felt natural because my dad worked with tech and he taught me all about it. He would often show me how to take things apart and put them back together like our TV remote. In terms of entrepreneurship, I’ve taken the knowledge I learned in the program to grow my photography client base. Since I’m learning so much about photography in college, I’ve been posting more of my photos on my Instagram profile (@Mikeys_photographer).

Overall, I truly loved every aspect of the program. I loved the brotherhood, gaining leadership skills, and learning how to make video games. Most importantly, I loved making new friends and getting to know other people and their backstories.

Describe the game you created during your time in the Immersion Program. 

I was in the game development track during my time in the program. In this track, I created a game called “Trick Maze Death” and the goal of it was to escape from this tricky maze with moving walls and little zombies that would try to harm you. I made that game to help people improve their creativity, survival, and thinking skills.

How is The Hidden Genius Project different from other mentorship or training experiences that you have been involved in? 

The Hidden Genius Project is different from other mentorship or training experiences because this is the only one that is a family to me. The program teaches us the skills that we actually need in life and so much more. I thank the program for helping me come out of my comfort zone and teaching me how to stand up for myself. In the past, people would pick on me, knowing that I wouldn’t do anything to stop them. Now I’m a completely different person and have The Hidden Genius Project to thank for it. I stand up for myself in ways I never did before, which has shocked the people who used to pick on me. It feels really good to be more confident and not be picked on.

What specific skills learned in The Hidden Genius Project have been most beneficial for you? 

Being a part of The Hidden Genius Project has helped me grow my leadership and entrepreneurial skills. I’ve always been the type of person who has good ideas, but The Hidden Genius Project helped me figure out what I want to do with those ideas. In terms of leadership skills, I’m grateful to the program for giving me a friend group that had a similar leadership mindset. 

I also enjoyed learning about technology. I’ve always been interested in it, thanks to my dad, but I enjoyed connecting with other people who have the same passion. It was crazy to learn how much technology is evolving and how people are using technology to grow their businesses and careers.

What was the most important thing you gained on a personal level (development, relationship, community, etc.) from participating in The Hidden Genius Project? 

There are so many things I gained from participating in The Hidden Genius Project that it’s hard to pick one. On one hand, I learned how to be a part of a community and build a brotherhood. I also learned how to help people, which is a skill that I bring into my role as a Youth Care Champion. However, I think the greatest thing I gained was the respect of my peers. I loved being a part of my cohort because everyone respected each other. When I first joined The Hidden Genius Project, I was very shy. Although it took me a while to get comfortable in the program, I’m now more confident and stronger mentally, and I know how to stand up for myself. This space taught me what it means to be respected and guided me in finding what I want to do in life. If I hadn’t joined the Intensive Immersion Program, I would have been lost and not know what I would want to do in life.

In what ways has the staff of The Hidden Genius Project continued to support you since graduating from the program?

I continue to remain involved with The Hidden Genius Project by working as a Youth Care Champion. I help Geniuses achieve their care plan goals, which I enjoy doing because I get to learn about their backgrounds. I think it’s great that the current Geniuses get to come into this space where they can be respected, and I try to create a similar environment to the one I had when I was a part of the program.

The Hidden Genius Project has supported me in navigating the college process. When I was applying to college, they would share resources and information with me for support. Janet Lopez, [Los Angeles Alumni Coordinator], actually helped me a couple of weeks ago because I was struggling to come up with the means to pay for college. I was considering joining the National Guard because I thought there were no other options to afford an education. I  enjoy going to school, so I wasn’t looking forward to leaving to join  I’m very thankful to Janet for showing me other ways that can help me and my mom finance my education.

What words of encouragement do you have for future Geniuses?  

I want you to know that I’m here for you if you need support, and the one thing you should never do is give up. Trust me, I know it’s hard and you’ll be challenged when you’re a part of The Hidden Genius Project, but just remember that it will be worth it.

Since 2012, nearly 11,100 students have revealed their genius through our Immersion, Catalyst, and Community Partner Programs, and so many more are waiting to shine.


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