Earlier this month our inaugural Detroit (DET1) cohort completed their first summer in our Intensive Immersion Program. Over the past seven weeks, 16 Hidden Geniuses participated in our program learning about one another as young men, grasping foundational level computer science concepts, and creating their own technical projects from scratch. We are extremely proud of our Geniuses and team for everything they accomplished this summer. Special thanks to the Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan for hosting our Detroit programming site.
Check out our summer programming highlights below including our 2022 Detroit Business Trip Partners.
Our inaugural Detroit cohort had a blast during their first summer of programming. Over the next 12 months, they will continue to develop and refine their skills in computer science, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
All incoming Geniuses starts their first summer learning the basics of computer science, leadership, and entrepreneurship from our team of Innovation Educators and Youth Educators. At the end of the summer, each Genius will have designed and coded a website from scratch, and more!

Our Career and College Access Team provided a series of College Prep Workshops to our Geniuses at all of our sites in California. Weekly presentations covered topics such as types of colleges, majors and degree knowledge, financial aid, admission requirements, and academic year preparation.
Geniuses from Detroit
CA Summer Mentorship Hours
Throughout the summer portion of our Intensive Immersion Program, we take our Geniuses on (in-person and remote) business trips to local companies and universities and expose them to technical and non-technical career pathways across a variety of sectors. These fun and engaging business trips are designed to demystify career opportunities for our Geniuses which helps them envision themselves in these environments. During these trips, we encourage our Geniuses to actively network with employees at these companies so they can foster their own relationships with individuals that can help nurture and support their career aspirations and interests.
Total Business Trips
Exposure to In-Demand Careers
Special thanks to all of our Business Trip Partners who opened their doors to our Geniuses this summer.