By: CS for CA
Date: December 11, 2020

As part of #CSEdweek In this webinar, CSforCA identified how computer science can be used to identify disparities, shared resources with participants to inform them on how to use data to make change, and highlighted computer science statewide policies that support computer science education and work to close the equity gaps.

Featuring presentations from:

  • Brandon Nicholson, Founding Executive Director at The Hidden Genius Project, which trains and mentors Black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills to transform their lives and communities in Oakland.
  • Sam Berg, CS Manager at Oakland Unified School District, where he manages the district-wide expansion of computer science courses and works to close racial and gender equity gaps in computing.
  • Allison Scott, Chief Executive Officer of the Kapor Foundation and co-lead of Computer Science for California Initiative (CSforCA)
  • Julie Flapan, Director of the Computer Science Equity Project at UCLA Center X and co-lead of Computer Science for California Initiative (CSforCA)

View the original blog HERE.