In the Business Ideation and Validation Phase of our Alumni Venture Seed Fund, our Genius Founders have been learning how to research, develop, and refine their beachhead markets and end-users. From entity formation to surveying stakeholders, our entrepreneurs are understanding how to validate their ventures and target their first customers.

Brandon “Pierre” Bazile, RICH2 Hidden Genius Alum
“I look forward to getting started and flushing out my ideas. This includes moving forward with less fear of failure.”

Gari’un Godfrey, RICH2 Hidden Genius Alum
“Because of this phase, I have had the opportunity to work with my phase coach to help me identify the right entity for my business.”

Julian Wilson, OAK6 Hidden Genius Alum
“As a result of this phase, I will continue to improve my mission statement.”

Jeremy Samuel, OAK5 Hidden Genius Alum
“As I continue to figure out TAM, I will spend more time on the product and organize my time to work on it.”

Langston Earl Scott, OAK4 Hidden Genius Alum
“During my market research, I have been focusing on a specific age audience for my business, IASD.”
Click HERE to learn more about our Hidden Genius Alumni and their business ventures.

Shubhi Nigam
Senior Product Manager, Carta

Erin Rowe
Founder & CEO, Allspring

Ryan Diew
Senior Associate, Base Ventures

Joey Flores
Chief Marketing Officer, Chefling Inc.

Griffin Wheeler
Founder, NFT Access

Nicolas Toper
Co-Founder and CEO, Manycore

Temsian Hambraeus
Concept Development, Juxtapose

Arjun Madra
Senior Analyst, Corporate Development – M&A Integration, Salesforce